
Since the inception of the Institutional Research Department/Quality Enhancement Cell, we have launched a number of initiatives and accomplished the following tasks, and continue to work on an ambitious forward looking agenda

  • Academic Quality Assurance

    The first task that the IR undertook was to take stock of some of our academic activities. In this regard, data was collected and analyzed on the following:

    Exam Papers
    • Exam papers were collected to verify whether the approved question paper template is being uniformly followed.

    Syllabus Correlation
    • Course outlines were evaluated to determine the degree of variation that exists between course descriptions provided by the instructors to the course descriptions provided in the Course Catalogue. The evaluation process was divided into the following two phases:

      a. One instructor teaching one or more course(s)
      b. Different instructors teaching the same course

    Portfolio Maintenance
    • Instructor Course Portfolios (ICP) was introduced for the Dubai Campus faculty, with the aim to measure the course learning outcomes with the learning objectives.
    • As a follow-up to the introduction of the ICP, the Dubai Campus Program Coordinators ICP was evaluated and findings were presented.

    Survey Analysis
    • In order to refine academic standards and policies, survey results received from the alumni, graduating students, permanent faculty, and employers were analyzed and a report was prepared on the findings.

    Other Initiatives
    • In order to institutionalize monitoring, IR has set up a time series database of a number of academic operations. Currently the database for the admissions is being maintained; highlighting and analyzing data from the total number of candidates enrolling for admission to the total number of candidates actually admitted. This analysis aims to provide policy guidance for future academic operations of SZABIST.
    • For better outreach and brand recognition, IR is in the process of preparing a Fact Book for SZABIST. The Fact Book would provide a synopsis of useful information about the various aspects of SZABIST; student body, human resources, faculty, academic resources etc.
    • As per the HEC requirements, the IR/QEC is required to maintain an independent website. In order to fulfill this criterion, IR also overlooks the maintenance and development of its website.

  • Preparing and Improving the Quality of Publications

    The IR staff has been continuously involved in developing framework, editing and proof reading the material provided for the following publications:

    Publications Completed
    • Course Catalogue 2013
    • Course Catalogue 2012
    • Course Catalogue 2011
    • Student Handbook 2013
    • Student Handbook 2012
    • Student Handbook 2011 (Karachi and Dubai Campus)
    • Student Handbook 2010 (Karachi Campus)
    • SZABIST Trust Annual Report 2010-2011
    • SZABIST Trust Annual Report 2009-2010.
    • Research and Development 2010-2011
    • Research and Development Annual Report 2009- 2010.
    • SZAB'nings (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
    • Prospectus 2011 (Dubai Campus)

  • Institutional Support to Dubai Campus

    SZABIST is the only Pakistani educational institution with an overseas presence. Given the strategic location of the Dubai Campus, its enrollment levels could be increased and the quality of its faculty could be strengthened. In this regard, the following efforts were made:

    Head of IR, following a visit to Dubai, prepared a detailed diagnostic report for the Board’s consideration. Recommendations of the report are in the implementation process and IR has been monitoring the progress.

    It has also been agreed that IR will liaise with the Dubai Campus to ensure continuous support and guidance from Karachi Campus.

  • Workshops Organized

    In order to be regularly updated with the HEC standards and criteria, the IR/QEC staff has to attend workshops and meetings organized by the HEC. The following are some of the workshops that the IR/QEC staff has attended:

    • Strengthening Internal Quality Assurance through Self Assessment
    • Criterion 1 of SAR Program Mission, Objectives & Outcomes
    • Quality Assurance & Writing of Self Assessment Report
    • Skills Training for External Quality Review
    • Reviewing Self Assessment Reports
    • Peer Review of Self Assessment Report
    • Role of Assessment Team in Self Assessment Process
    • First Webinar on H-index for Institutions and Authors by QECs e – group
    • External Evaluation of Academic Institutions and Programs

  • Relations with HEC and Other Regulatory Bodies

    Given the nature of its work, IR has to maintain close working relations with the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) and other Regulatory Bodies. IR facilitates all regulatory bodies in the following manner:

    • Submitted ten Yearly Progress Reports (YPR) and Quantitative Assessment Form (QAF) to the Quality Assurance agency (QAA) of HEC.
    • Assisted the HEC’s Statistical Unit with timely required information.
    • Information to the Chartered Inspection Evaluation Committee (CIEC) for ranking purposes.
    • Provided SZABIST PhD details to the National Assembly.
    • Attained membership of the Association of Advance Collegiate School of Business (AACSB).
    • Compiled and forwarded relevant information for program accreditation to the National Business Accreditation Council (NBEAC) and National Computing Accreditation Council (NCEAC).